Rampant Conservatism

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Iran has never been a fan of the United States or Israel. The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been an outspoken opponent of Israel existing, and also is pushing for his country to develop nuclear power. He has made no effort to cover his hatred of anyone that supports Israel. Ahmadinejad has tried to institute policies where Jews and Christians would have to wear identifying marks on their clothing, and has appeared as a keynote speaker at a conference directed entirely at removing Israel entirely and returning it to the Muslims.

Now Russia has teamed together with Iran in the battle for Iran to gain nuclear power and military credibility. Russia is delivering missile defense and rockets systems to Iran as recently as last Friday, and helping them out with their “peaceful” nuclear program. Their idea of peaceful must be different from mine, because it’s absolutely moronic to encourage nuclear production to a country that has recently hosted a conference called “The world without Zionism” in which Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying “"As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map.” By Imam, he is talking about Ayat Allah Khomeini, a leader of Iran.

Ahmadinejad has no shortage of public hatred towards Israel and the United States for supporting Israel, and Russia is happily playing into their hatred for their own economic gain. Russia and China, close partners with Iran for years both hold vetoes on the United Nations Security Council have helped to avoid sanctions against Iran thus far. The contract for these TOR-M1 air defense systems sold by Russia to Iran was signed at the last of 2005 for $700 million. Russia upholds their original statement that the missiles only have a range capable of protecting Iranian air space.

Al-Jazeera quoted Ahmadinejad in March of 2006 as saying: "The Islamic umma (community) will not allow its historic enemy to live in its heartland," he said in the fiery speech that centred on a "historic war between the oppressor and the world of Islam.” The word “oppressor” is used by their government to refer to the United States. Amazingly, even with hate-filled speech such as this from the President of the country, the UN Security Council still apparently has no problem allowing them to have whatever weapons they want or nuclear weapons under the guise of a peaceful energy program.

Israel responded to Ahmadinejad’s cries for removing their country from the earth. Spokesman Mark Regev said "Today, Israelis heard two extremists speak openly about destroying the Jewish state. One was the new president of Iran, and the other was the leader of Hamas, Mahmoud Zahar. "And it appears the problem with these extremists is that they followed through on their violent declarations with violent actions."

Then-White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan said “"I think it reconfirms what we have been saying about the regime in Iran. It underscores the concerns we have about Iran's nuclear intentions." Even a former Iranian foreign minister Ebrahim Yazdi claimed that Ahmadinejad’s remarks were unnecessary and were harmful to Iran’s place in the international community. “Such comments provoke the international community against us. It's not to Iran's interests at all. It's harmful to Iran to make such a statement.”

With Russia and China behind them, Iran does not feel that they have to care what the international community thinks, because they’ll defend Iran to the best of their overpowered ability in the United Nations. If the UN were a worthwhile organization, the Islamic Republic of Iran would be heavily sanctioned, to avoid the deletion of Israel due to religious anger.

Ahmadinejad said to President Bush in a letter written in May of 2006: “Liberalism and Western style democracy have not been able to help realize the ideals of humanity. Today these two concepts have failed. Those with insight can already hear the sounds of the shattering and fall of the ideology and thoughts of the Liberal democratic systems.” Iran cannot be trusted with nuclear capabilities. Ahmadinejad has shown his true intentions repeatedly through his vitriolic outbursts against anyone who disagrees with him, or happens to not be a member of the Islamic faith, unless they’re selling them weapons, of course.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Iran sucks.

1:08 PM  

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