Rampant Conservatism

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Today, at a rally attended by Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, Bill Cosby urged the residents of New Orleans to cleanse itself of a culture of crime.

"It's painful, but we can't cleanse ourselves unless we look at the wound," Cosby told the 2000 or so people attending the rally.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you had the highest murder rate, unto each other. You were dealing drugs to each other. You were impregnating our 13-, 12-, 11-year-old children," he said.

"What kind of a village is that?"

Meanwhile, back at the ranch in Washington, Rep. Cynthia McKinney still believes that she was attacked due to race, aside from the fact that she on many occasions refuses to wear her Congressional Identification pin, refused to stop and comply with the officer, who was merely doing his job. Instead of handling the issue in a respectable manner, she decides that she has the right to assault the officer. McKinney and her attorneys said that she was a victim of inappropriate touching and racism and are considering pursuing legal action against the officer. In her statement, she shows more of her racist tendencies.

Sadly, there are only 14 black women Members of Congress. And surely our faces are distinguishable. But why my face is continually unrecognizable can only be answered by these offending police officers." Later on, she shows more to support this.
"This morning at approximately 8:57 am, I was going to a Budget Committee meeting due to start at 9:00 am. I was rushing to my meeting when a white police officer yelled to me. He approached me, bodyblocked me, physically touching me. I used my arm to get him off of me. I told him not to touch me several times. He asked for my ID and I showed it to him. He then let me go and I proceeded to my meeting and I assume that the Police Officer resumed his duties."

Little does she broach the fact that there are 535 members of Congress (435 Representatives in the house and 100 in Senate), but she expects special treatment, because she is one of only 14 black women Congressional members, instead of her actual achievements. What happens if a member isn't wearing their pin? They must go through a metal detector. McKinney apparently believes she is above the rules and above the rest of her Congressional members.

This woman is actively and unabashedly promoting racism in her actions, and expects not only to avoid all consequences to her actions but actually levy repercussions onto the officer who was doing his job, all on the basis of her race. Racism is not dead, but still exists in many forms, and apparently one of current event's staunchest supporters of continued racism resides smugly in our United States Congress.